In 2008, Ukraine ratified the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage. In the past ten years, an institution for the implementation of the provisions of the Convention - Ukrainian Center for Cultural Research (UCCD) - has been established, and the National List of Elements of the Intangible Cultural Heritage has been formed. Ukraine's cooperation with UNESCO is a component of the international activity of the State. Taking into consideration the globalization process of the world, it is important to preserve the forms of intangible culture that are the most vulnerable not only to unification, but also to demographic and socio-economic changes that increase the risk of their loss. Digitization of historical achievements is seen as an effective measure for the preservation, dissemination and replication of intangible culture for the general population. Skills and knowledge that are remained in small towns and villages can stimulate the development of creative industries, capable of attracting external and internal tourists and promoting investment for the transformation of post-industrial and formation of historical areas and environments.
The mission of the museum is transfer of knowledge, increasing opportunities and inspiration of a person to respect and perceive cultural diversity.
The goal of the virtual museum is replication and representation of the intangible cultural heritage of Ukraine in a modern and accessible form, and increase in the number of people, who are interested in acquaintance with the cultural heritage of the state and studying traditions, which will contribute to the formation of a single cultural space of Ukraine.
The uniqueness of the museum lies in the fact that it combines existing cultural and research initiatives, promotes the widest dissemination of knowledge about the traditional culture of Ukrainians, sets a precedent for the introduction of a modern form of recording the intangible cultural heritage objects by cluster (regional) methodology.